Molded Norse Deity Candles

Molded Norse Deity Candles
These hand molded candles each contain herbs associated with the related deity as well as a corresponding charm that can be used as an amulet or in future workings after the candle has completely burnt down.
Odin’s associations:
Magick, Ecstasy, Poetry, Knowledge, Wisdom, Inspiration, Birth, Death, Justice, Law, Healing, Music, Prophecy, The Hunt, Self-Sacrifice, Storms, The Runes, War, Weapons, Initiation, Love, Romance and Divination.
Thor’s associations:
Courage, Trust, War, Water, Law, Order, Defense, Thunder, Lightening, Storms, Crops, Strength and Weather.
Hel’s associations:
Death, The Afterlife, Dark Magick and Revenge.
Freya’s associations:
Enchantments, Magick, Romance, Sex, Witchcraft, Beauty, Domestic Crafts. Fertility, Love and Luck.
Loki’s associations:
Cunning, Trickery, Dark Magick, Revenge, Deceit, Mischief, Stealth, Agility, Daring and Destruction.
Warning: These candles are imbued with flammable material thus they burn in an unpredictable manner.